School Nurse
Healthy Family Teams are part of the Healthy Families Programme, an integrated service for children, young people and families which brings together care provided by health visitors, school nurses, the Family Nurse Partnership Programme (for first time teenage mums) and the National Childhood Measurement Programme.
There are 20 locally based ‘Healthy Family Teams’ across the County which are central to the programme. Children, young people and families will receive care from this service from before birth to their late teens when they need it, regardless of where they live in Nottinghamshire.
A Specialist Public Health Practitioner leads each Healthy Family Team. Other staff in the teams are Public Health Practitioners, Senior Assistant Public Health Practitioners, Assistant Public Health Practitioners, Community Health Assistants, Screening Assistants and Administrators. By working together, each Healthy Family Team member will support families and children in different ways depending on the type of help required.
They offer a number of services to help parents one being parentline. Details are as follows: